Thursday, February 12, 2009
This report tells us that an explosion of DNA duplication in the common ancestor of humans, chimpanzees and gorillas may be responsible for many of the differences among the species. Even though it happened long long time ago, the effect is still visible now. Scientists found out that the DNA of human and apes are quite similar, only different arrangement and the number is different, but different from other breeds like gorillas, orang-utans and chimpanzees, so it is highly likely that humans are from apes. The cells passed on to humans let us have flexibility to adaptation to new environment, making us not feeling uncomfortable when going to a new environment. Also, other DNA and cells are also passed on to humans like diseases, mental problems and autism. Researchers also found out that most duplication occurred next to more ancient duplications, causing cells to copy and rearrange, and leading the cells in the apes to change and resulting in a different form and behaviour. Even though humans are from apes, some of the cells found in human can only be found in humans, with some with unknown effects, maybe that is why every human is unique in their own way and look different from apes and from each other.

I think this article is interesting as it tells us about our origins and tell us who we really are. If we do not know who we are, then what is the point of us living on the surface of Earth???… …But thinking back, since we are already alive, we might as well live life to the fullest. I don’t mean we don’t deserve to live but I mean at least we know where we came from right??? Hope you get what I mean. Even though this might be interesting and there is a need for us to know, I thing all these are not important anymore. We are the way we are now, whether we like it or not, this is life, this is fate, whether we know these or not, it doesn’t change anything, all these is just the past and it might not even be truth in the first place, even though it may be scientifically proven, instead of bothering, researching about the past, why not think ahead and plan for the future??? The past may be important as it made us what we are today, but without a present or a future, there wouldn’t be a past, the past is already gone, there is no way we can do to make it come back, despite how good or bad it may be, all we can do is to accept things the way they are and we can only hope for the future to be better and be a great past for us to remember. So, we should not be bothered if we were apes in the ancient times and what will happen to us in the future but instead, think for the present and future and make it the best by making use of the lessons learnt and the mistakes we made in history. As long as we believe in ourselves, we too, can create our own destiny. ENJOY THE PRESENT AND BEST OF LUCK IN THE FUTURE :)




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