Sunday, March 15, 2009
[CREDIT: Jillian Balfour]

Why Do People Cry?

People could cry for a few reasons, to reduce the stress and tension level, to keep their eyes clean and lubricant and lastly, it could also be a form of communication. (eg. for babies or animals)

Humans eyes produces 3 types of tears. Basal tear, which are released regularly are the primary tear which keeps the surface of our eyes clean and moist. Reflex tear, also help "wash" the surface of our eyes, but they could get rid of the irritants more quickly than to the basal tears due to the different chemical composition they contain. Lastly, the Emotional tear, is released when a person is in the extreme grip of a particular emotion like sadness, anger or sometimes happiness too. It contains manganese which highly affects our temperament, thus it could help drop the level of stress and tension when they are released together with the tear.

In short, tears are produced because of irritants that bothers our eyes, the high level of stress and tension one is feeling, and also not forgetting, it is also a way for babies or animals to express their discomforts or get attention from the adults.

There is no harmful effects for crying. In fact, some researchers say that the people who cry more frequently would enjoy good health, it is also proved by scientists that humans cannot control their tears when they are in the extreme of a particular emotion, therefore i see no reason for people to try and hold back their tears. I think that if one tries to hold back their tears, they are at the same time, suppressing their feelings. Wouldn't that make them feel even worst? Come to this, it might even affect their health in the long run. So since it is holding back, that make the person feel worst, one should relax and just let what should go, go. Only then, they will feel better. After reading this article, I realised the great role tears carries.

Charmaine (19)



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