Thursday, July 30, 2009
  Sokman's 3rd.
Déjà vu
Déjà vu is more than just an odd feeling.

Yes, déjà vu! This time round, I’m going to talk about it. A feeling which gets me fascinated and thinks that I could predict the future or even, see the past!

Déjà vu is sudden and fleeting, leaving as unexpectedly as it came. While the experience is striking in its clarity and detail, it is difficult to recapture or recount. Generally, it is left unexplained. It is a condition where people can recite details of a situation, they've never encountered before. Déjà vu, “already-seen” in French, has been defined as "familiarity without awareness." While the situational cues of a déjà vu are familiar, there is a definite lack of awareness about the specific source of the memory.

Déjà vu is considered a common phenomenon. Surveys show that about one third of the population has had the most common form of déjà vu sensations. Due to the subjective and often indescribable nature of the associated feelings, it has been difficult, to determine who is actually experiencing déjà vu.

There are several possible explanations for what is occurring during a déjà vu experience. One possibility is simply the occasional mismatch made by the brain in its continuous attempt to create whole sensual pictures out of very small pieces of information.

Another explanation for déjà vu has been given by psychoanalysts, such as the manifestation of wish fulfilments. Here, déjà vu is the subconscious repetition of a past experience, but with a more positive ending.

From this article, I have gained so much more information about Déjà vu. It has been a long time since I’m experiencing Déjà vu, but I’m actually anticipating for the “arrival” of encountering Déjà vu another time. The feeling is so special; I don’t mind having it many many times, as different situations have different kind of feeling! :D

Sokman, 3 Sin.

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